Places for everyone

For the last couple of years I have been supporting Crispin Hayes Associates / Cycle Path Services on a locally-based walking and wheeling project initiated by near neighbours Spott Community Association. Places for Everyone is a scheme that aims to create safe, attractive, healthier places by increasing the number of…Continue readingPlaces for everyone

Zero Waste Town Update

I’ve spent the last few days doing a rapid induction and handover of the Zero Waste Town project. It was not that long ago in August that I gave a short presentation to an invited audience and attended by the Environment Minister Richard Lochhead, who had swung by to make public that…Continue readingZero Waste Town Update

Zero Waste Contract

We’re leading this work in association working with CW Hayes, a feasibility study to determine whether Dunbar could be come Scotland’s first Zero Waste Town. More info: Zero Waste Town, which sets out the brief and how the project aims to drive forward the zero waste agenda. Although we had…Continue readingZero Waste Contract

Community Mapping

The facility was set up to allow Sustaining Dunbar projects to access various digital data sets using a variety of free or very low cost GIS tools. The viewing facilities used Mapmaker, which has tools to create high quality printed maps, while ArcView was employed for rapid screen query, exploration…Continue readingCommunity Mapping

Transport Surveys

Connecting Dunbar set out to survey travel behaviour of residents and local visitors to Dunbar, focusing on journeys of less than 5 miles which could transfer to walking or cycling. Responses from 520 households, 450 school pupils and 80 employees from all areas of Ward 7 were gathered in. The…Continue readingTransport Surveys

Migrating to Google Apps

There are around a dozen email users at Sustaining Dunbar.  Staff and volunteers have been using a variety of email clients and email providers to keep in touch.  Some were already users of consumer Gmail accounts, Google Calendars and Google Docs, while others used a range of email applications or…Continue readingMigrating to Google Apps

Ecomonkey Green Rewards

One of our major projects went beta last month., our Green Rewards website is a first, probably. And it’s not any old green shopping website, nor any old Green Rewards programme. Deceptively simple on the surface, it was nevertheless unique and really far too clever under the bonnet (more about that later).Continue readingEcomonkey Green Rewards

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