Every high street needs considerably more parking to accommodate the modern drive-through concept, one that necessitates walking as little as possible or, as our local authority responsible for parking and sustainable travel puts it, ‘to be able to drive into the shop’. Ever noticed that double yellows are generally ignored…Continue readingEasy Drive – Easy Park – East Takeaway
Category: Transport
For the last couple of years I have been supporting Crispin Hayes Associates / Cycle Path Services on a locally-based walking and wheeling project initiated by near neighbours Spott Community Association. Places for Everyone is a scheme that aims to create safe, attractive, healthier places by increasing the number of…Continue readingPlaces for everyone
It depends. The following map shows some illustrative isochrones (a travel time concept similar to isodistance) evaluated using Travel Time’s (TT) app for QGIS. The layers were simplified for web display when imported into ArcGis.Continue readingHow walkable and cycleable is East Lothian?
Originally a free standing website, Better Rural Buses was ported over to Ourlocality.org when the domain was due to expire, to keep the project as a demonstration. Now it is only available as fragments via the Web Archive project. Functionally, the site was intended to allow anyone in the street…Continue readingBetter Rural Buses
Connecting Dunbar set out to survey travel behaviour of residents and local visitors to Dunbar, focusing on journeys of less than 5 miles which could transfer to walking or cycling. Responses from 520 households, 450 school pupils and 80 employees from all areas of Ward 7 were gathered in. The…Continue readingTransport Surveys