- Fun with Story MapsStory maps are a useful addition to the mapping toolkit. The ESRI product allows anyone with a modicum of patience to create dynamic or just static map based presentations, then roll them into…
- Places for everyoneFor the last couple of years I have been supporting Crispin Hayes Associates / Cycle Path Services on a locally-based walking and wheeling project initiated by near neighbours Spott Community Association. Places for…
- Green Blue SpacesA report for Sustaining Dunbar – prepared by Philip Immirzi – GET THE POINT LTD – March 2021 FINAL “Nature is ever at work building and pulling down, creating and destroying, keeping everything…
- How walkable and cycleable is East Lothian?It depends. The following map shows some illustrative isochrones (a travel time concept similar to isodistance) evaluated using Travel Time’s (TT) app for QGIS. The layers were simplified for web display when imported into ArcGis.
- Recording Local History – the 4th Statistical Account 2.0Last summer I did a project with the good folk of the East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists Society to revamp the East Lothian Fourth Statistical Account website. I had previously made the…
- Companies are exploiting failures of the marketWhere companies are exploiting the failures of the market in which they operate, where consumer choice is inhibited by deliberately complex pricing structures, we must set the market right. So said Theresa May at the Tory party conference in 2016. In 2016 I picked up a short consultancy contract with Cambium for Citizens Advice Scotland to report on business models that companies use in regulated markets that alleviate or exacerbate the so-called Poverty Premium.
- From Free to Infinity – How much does a Website Cost?More than a long piece of string? This answer is of course: “it depends” Basically the more you expect from your website project, the wider the range of features and functions, the more…
- Our Locality How RefreshingWhen we first setup the ourlocality network we had global ambitions. This of course didn’t happen. What did happen though was gratifying all the same. After 5 years of operation, we are on…
- Zero Waste Town UpdateI’ve spent the last few days doing a rapid induction and handover of the Zero Waste Town project. It was not that long ago in August that I gave a short presentation to an…
- The Ridge NetworkThe Ridge is a local community interest company with big ambitions. There’s a market gap locally in the provision of traditional and new rural skills. Training opportunities for the young and those who…

So …
if you have a stalled project that needs a rapid reboot, an overhaul, or re-orientating, want something done yesterday …
… project killing advice also available too if you need to close something down tidily without losing your hair.
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