Community Interventions Digital Transformation

Ecomonkey Green Rewards

One of our major projects went beta last month., our Green Rewards website is a first, probably.

And it’s not any old green shopping website, nor any old Green Rewards programme.

Deceptively simple on the surface, it was nevertheless unique and really far too clever under the bonnet (more about that later).

The development was led by Alex Stanhope, formerly Lightenna, with help and support from Mike Dixon, then Computer Minds, who built it around the open source CMS framework Drupal and extended it with a string of custom built modules.

The development process, once started, took next to no time, and each successive stage just got better as we developed an excellent rhythm.

We had to dump 2 lots of developers along the way prior to that, however. Alas, not everyone was up to the task or was willing to play.

Lessons are learned the hard way, so as not to be repeated.